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The National Deaf Children’s Society (NDCS) in association with the National Children’s Bureau have launched the REAL (Raising Early Achievement in Literacy) project in Hull for deaf children and their families. The launch took place on Friday 25th May 2024 at Fenchurch Children’s centre as part of the preschool group for deaf children. The session was action packed, with We’re going on a Bear Hunt themed messy play, slime, crafts, singing and stories. There will be four online sessions with parents and a face-to-face celebration on Friday 5th July 2024. The aim of the sessions is to discuss how babies and young children develop their early reading and writing skills and share practical examples of how to put it in to practice.
The NDCS Raising Early Achievement in Literacy (REAL) course has been developed from research about children’s literacy and early childhood deafness.
Watch the NDCS REAL event BSL introduction video
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